About RicoLatino

Rico Paul Vallejos
Chief Creative Officer and
Senior Writer/Consultant

Rico Paul started RicoLatino as a solution to apply cultural anthropology and linguistics to marketing communications, assessments, and corporate communications. He builds ad hoc teams of highly specialized talent to tackle challenging assignments, including or excluding AI tools on a per-project basis.

About Rico:

World cultures and world languages are two constants in his life. And travel, usually to places where he can at least fake the local language. He's fully bilingual in American English and Latin American Spanish, learned some French in school and Portuguese in Brazil, and over the years picked up a little Finnish, Italian, and biblical Hebrew and Greek.

He spent most of his life in Europe and the States, returning often to his roots in Latin America. He has working experience in England, Spain, Portugal, Mexico,  the United States (including Puerto Rico) and most South American countries.

Besides working on advertising, marketing, and assessments, he enjoys being a Conversational Spanish Coach.

Rico holds degrees with honors from Metropolitan State University and Lakewood College, and completed studies in cultural anthropology and leadership with Germany-based G.B.F.A. while in England and Spain, doing fieldwork in Latin America and the Caribbean. He is Trustee Emeritus at Hamline University and served as Adjunct Instructor of Multicultural Communications at the Graduate School of Business of the University of St. Thomas (Master of International Management program). He is a Certified Translator (ATA) and a NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer (Hispanic Wealth Project). His hobbies include swimming (enjoying his stint on swimming and water polo teams), cycling, dancing, martial arts, travel, wine,  photography, film, and world cultures and languages. He is a drone pilot and loves flying.

Latino Marketing Award (DMA), Silver Quill Award (IABC), ARC Silver Award (MDMA), Outstanding Achievement Award and Minnesotanos (State of Minnesota), Minority Business Award (Business Journal), Latino Business Award (Latino Chamber of Commerce), and the Multicultural Marketing Achievement Award (joining an illustrious roster of recipients: Isabel Valdes, Carlos Santiago, Pepper Miller, David Morris, Carlos Garcia, Jose Villa, and others).

Language is better caught than taught, and this is why Rico Paul offers this unique service. Read more on his Coaching page.

RicoLatino's Advisory Board

At RicoLatino LLC, we're blessed to have a Board of Advisors with solid credentials in advertising, marketing communications, and international business.

Yvette Baudelaire, MS

Baudelaire Consulting, LLC

Evaristo Doria, Ed.D.

International Business Consultant, Advisor, Author, Award-Winning Business Faculty

Susanna (Whitmore) Fránek

Cultural Anthropologist

Adriana Guevara

Translator, Interpreter, Instructor

Felipe Korzenny, Ph. D.

Professor Emeritus
Florida State University

Dr. Mike Porter

Clinical Professor of Marketing
University of St. Thomas

Robert H. Scarlett

Special Projects Advisor
Hunter Scarlett Consulting

Marty Shimko

Business Banker
Associated Bank

Rico Paul V.